Descargar Gratis Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels de Scott Mccloud PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels de Scott Mccloud
Descripción - Críticas 'Scott McCloud's brilliant treatise on the inner workings of cartoonists will delight amateur artists and curious fans alike.' -- Salon 'In this, McCloud's third nonfiction book about comics, he has produced his most significant achievement to date, and that's really saying something.' -- Cory Doctorow 'Only Scott McCloud could have organized his thoughts on comics like this. Scott's talent as a cartoonist not only makes him intimate to insights no outsider can see, but also gives him the power to show it to the world.' -- Jeff Smith 'Every aspect of comics creation is covered in this enlightening, accessible guide presented in a comic-strip format.' -- Booklist (Editor's Choice) 'A guide to creating comics that is as thoughtful and entertaining as the best-loved work in the field, both enjoyable and accessible to casual fans of the form and the new gold standard for artists who want to create their own comics, manga, and graphic novels. -- Bookslut 'More than a how-to, the book goes beyond simple instruction, digging into the real dirt of creating comics.' -- Kirkus Reviews Reseña del editor 'Magnificent! The best how-to manual ever published.' - Kevin Kelly, Cool Tools Scott McCloud tore down the wall between high and low culture in 1993 with Understanding Comics, a massive comic book about comics, linking the medium to such diverse fields as media theory, movie criticism, and web design. In Reinventing Comics, McCloud took this to the next level, charting twelve different revolutions in how comics are generated, read, and perceived today. Now, in Making Comics, McCloud focuses his analysis on the art form itself, exploring the creation of comics, from the broadest principles to the sharpest details (like how to accentuate a character's facial muscles in order to form the emotion of disgust rather than the emotion of surprise.) And he does all of it in his inimitable voice and through his cartoon stand-in narrator, mixing dry humor and legitimate instruction. McCloud shows his reader how to master the human condition through word and image in a brilliantly minimalistic way. Both comic book devotees and the uninitiated will marvel at this journey into a once-underappreciated art form. Contraportada Learn How to . . .Choose the right moments to clarify and strengthen your stories.Frame actions and guide your readers’ eyes through each comics page.Choose words and pictures that communicate together.Create varied and compelling new characters.Master body language and facial expressions.Create rich, believable worlds for your readers to explore.Pick the tools that are right for you.Navigate the vast world of comics styles and genres. Biografía del autor Scott McCloud has been writing, drawing, and examining comics since 1984. Winner of the Eisner and Harvey awards, his works have been translated into more than sixteen languages. Frank Miller (Sin City, 300) called him 'just about the smartest guy in comics.' He lives with his family in southern California. His online comics and inventions can be found at
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels
- Autor: Scott Mccloud
- Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Historia, teoría literaria y crítica
- Tamaño del archivo: 15 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
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Making Comics - Scott McCloud - Paperback ~ "Magnificent! The best how-to manual ever published." — Kevin Kelly, Cool Tools Scott McCloud tore down the wall between high and low culture in 1993 with Understanding Comics, a massive comic book about comics, linking the medium to such diverse fields as media theory, movie criticism, and web design.In Reinventing Comics, McCloud took this to the next level, charting twelve different .
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Foundations in Comic Book Art: SCAD Creative Essentials ~ Scott McClouds books, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art and Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels which are an incredibly in depth approach to comic theory. Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators (Force Drawing Series) to supplement the missing translation of character and action into image.
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Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art: ~ You will never read a comic or graphic novel in the same way again, and you will almost certainly appreciate the art form more than you did. The whole book is engrossing and educational, but chapters 3 and 4, on how we interpret the space between the panels in comics, and how time and space is represented in pictures, show McCloud's genius for conveying complex ideas with real power and clarity.
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